
Monday, August 27, 2018

A change of perspective can impact your future.......

This week was a really great week for me in many different ways. During this week i have been preparing for my group project workshop that was on friday. Now as a leader of any group, you could imagine me having so much pressure and stress in wanting everything to go as my group and i have planned that day, from the way we want to set the tables down to having our presentation sorted. As hectic as it was preparing for something that is really important to my group and i, we couldn't be anymore prepared as we already were that day. During our workshop i noticed my team members really stepped up and took charge of our workshop and caught the attentions of all the year 9s in our workshop. I am so proud of them because for some of them it was their first time talking infront of a crowd and yet they looked professional at it. By the end of our workshop feedbacks given implied us with so many "great leadership skills and fantastic presentation/ workshop", even though our we didn't have enough time to finish everything in our workshop, the time we had left a big impact on our junior about the topic of our workshop.

This week also had another big day event for me too. On saturday this week my fellow school mates and i went to the AUT live programme. At first i was a bit nervous as to what was in store for us, but when the AUT my future programme encouraged and pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and socialize with others, other than my friends, i adapted to being able to start a friendly conversation with random people that i wouldn't think i would be able to do. At AUT live i really enjoyed connecting with others and enjoyed the activities that we did there. Going into AUT, i already had a clear mindset on what i wanted to study and where, and sadly the place i wanted to study my career pathway in, was not AUT. But as we were given the chance to go and look around for the job that we want to study when leaving high school, i became more interested and amazed as to what AUT offers in the job i plan on studying for. There were so many opportunities and offers that they had for that job and yet no other university could offer us things like those, even in the university that i planned on studying in which surprised me a lot. In that one day i never knew how, a one day visit to AUT in the city would change my decision on where i wanted go and study when i leave high school. This really opened my eyes and made me think more thoroughly and clearer on where i believe is best for me to study. This day really impacted my thought on where i want to create my future. So i am so thankful that i made the right decision to go to AUT live, and for the AUT my future programme i am also grateful for them having us and creating this programme to be able to create a better future for us. This day has really changed my perspective a lot about where i want to study in the future.


  1. Wow Susiana - a big read here. I am thrilled to see how valuable this day proved to be for you. I have passed on some of your thoughts to Sam, so that he would get your valuable feedback on how useful the day was to you.

    It also sounds like the workshop was a valuable experience for you - a great experience of growth for you! Well done and Ive really appreciated the detail you have included in your post.

    1. Thanks sir for reading my post. I really enjoyed the experience at AUT live, this experience has really impacted my future decisions. I appreciate your feedback.
