
Sunday, August 5, 2018

"In order to reach your goals, first you have to find your motivation"

So far so good this week, I've improved a lot on my time management and work towards keeping it that way. My last blog talked about, me aiming to accomplish my goals, but I have also found another goal I would like to add to my lists of goals this term.This week opened my eyes to opportunities that I can take and learn from in order to gain a different perspective of leadership. As this week was passing by faster then I could imagine I said to myself the motivation that some of our year 12 students had caught my attention and I wondered, "If I am motivated to reach my goals with my full potential,I can help boost the motivation of others that don't show the potential they have in order to reach their goals too". I've notice that sometimes PHS students can tend to loose focus on whats important to them "THEIR EDUCATION".So this I decided to put my leadership skills to the test and try to motivate a bunch of my year 12 classmates who don't really come to school that much or to class, to come to class on time and to try their best to come to school every school days this week. As I kept motivating them to work towards coming to school every school days and class I noticed that when we did our class assessments together they came to class and school days and even became more confident and more socially interested in our school work.For me that was one of the highlights for week 2 term 3. As this is still improving it can have it ups and downs, but in the end I know with motivation no doubt we will reach our goals in no time.


  1. Well done Susiana. Motivation is a very powerful force and when we have plenty of it, change can occur in our lives. I am very impressed with your understanding of how important motivation is in life and academic success. Keep it up!

    1. Thanks sir for your support and encouragement, I am well-motivated in working hard to accomplish my goals this year.

  2. It's really great to see you taking these steps to not only improve your own achievement, but also that of others. I've noticed that you've been more engaged this term and I hope that your results will reflect this ownership. Nice work!

  3. This is a wonderful post. Id like to share it with our Board of Trustees but I will remove your name from it first.
